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a, ask, for, hiv, how, patner, test, to, todo, your -

Asking a partner to be tested for STI's can be a very difficult conversation. It is a sensitive subject for most and may result in hurt feelings or other emotions. Some may take the request the wrong way and assume their partner believes they are dirty or sleep around. However, if a person clearly communicates the reasons for wanting their partner to be tested, and get tested with their partner, the conversation may go a lot smoother. A person may demonstrate that they are looking out for the safety of themselves and their partner.   The best time to discuss...

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bible, for, husband, in, is, mood, not, quotes, selfis, sex, the, what, wife -

  Is a husband selfish for having sex with his wife when she is not the mood? Feminists and even some women who would not consider themselves feminists believe it is selfish for a man to have sex with his wife, knowing she is not in the mood. In fact some claim if a man has sex with his wife when she is not the mood this is rape.  This is a question that many Christian men are afraid to ask. Here we will try to answer this very important question, from a Biblical perspective. I have several “disclaimers” on this...

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