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15, day, hiv, latinex, latino, national, october -

NATIONAL LATINX AIDS AWARENESS DAY October 15 The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA), the Hispanic Federation and many other organizations organize this day. Find NLAAD resources at, including posters, graphics, PSAs and themed materials.

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18, aids, awreness, day, hiv, national, september -

GROWING OLDER WITH HIV At the start of the epidemic more than 30 years ago, people who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS could expect to live only 1-2 years after that diagnosis. This meant that the issues of aging were not a major focus for people with HIV disease. But today, thanks to improvements in the effectiveness antiretroviral therapy (ART), people with HIV who are diagnosed early in their infection, and who get and stay on ART can keep the virus suppressed and live as long as their HIV-negative peers. For this reason, a growing number of people living with HIV...

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a, ask, do, hiv, how, man, test, to, your -

 Bringing up a touchy subject is never easy, but the consequences could be worse. “I am ready to have sex with a guy I am dating, and I want to do the right thing and get tested [for HIV] first. I don’t know how to bring it up though. I tried to discuss getting tested with a man I dated before him. He was taking me to an appointment and there was a testing center nearby. I suggested on a whim that we get tested and he freaked out. He said he didn’t need to be tested and it was...

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a, boost, drive, is, libido, low, man, sex, too, when, your -

The male libido is always in overdrive, right? Wrong -- one out of five men actually have a low sex drive.Men. High sex drive. Panting sexual animals. We know what they want. And we know when they want it: right now.Even doctors tend to see men as "sexual automatons," hardwired always to want sex, says pioneering sex researcher Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at San Diego’s Alvarado Hospital and editor in chief of The Journal of Sexual Medicine. "But that is not the case at all," Goldstein tells WebMD Magazine. "Many, many men -- about one in five...

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5, improve, relationship, to, ways, your -

Falling in love is non-stop excitement, romance, and quite honestly fun. Being able to improve your relationship instantly or as quickly as possible, however... now that is where it gets tricky, complicated, and stressful. There is so much that comes into play when you try to meld your own life with someone else's, from feelings to wants to needs and even past heartaches. It's impossible to get everything right when it comes to love, but just because it involves a lot of work and maintenance doesn't mean it can't be both thrilling and rewarding. I've spent the last year in...

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