Sex In Check RSS

aids, game, hiv, Quiz -

Our AIDS Game is a great way to test your knowledge of HIV and AIDS. To complete the game you'll need skill, quick thinking and a good grasp of the facts. The more you play our AIDS Game, the more you will learn. You can then use this knowledge to educate your friends and family. If you're lucky, you might even make it onto the HI-scores table. Why not send the link to some friends and compete to see who can do best?

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dysfunction, Men -

Men may not be eager to discuss sexual troubles, but nearly a third of guys experience problems. This may include a sagging libido, premature ejaculation, or erectile dysfunction Risk factors for ED include diabetes, heart disease, neurologic conditions, smoking, circulation problems, and some medications. Erectile dysfunction or ED is the inability to achieve or sustain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Problems with erections may stem from medications, chronic illnesses, poor blood flow to the penis, drinking too much alcohol, or being too tired. Lifestyle changes, Talk to your doctor if you have ED or other sexual problems to help...

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dysfunction, erectile, medical, men, Men, relationships -

Sexual Problems and Treatments Sexual Problems in Men A sexual problem, or sexual dysfunction, refers to a problem during any phase of the sexual response cycle that prevents the man or couple from experiencing satisfaction from the activity. [caption id="attachment_115" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Hispodia[/caption] In chordee, the penis usually curves downward. The urinary opening may be on the underside of the penis (hypospadias). Surgery can usually correct chordee. Prostate Problems For such a little gland, the prostate seems to cause a lot of concern. Like a troubled, war-torn country, it's in the news all the time and something always seems to...

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Relationships, relationships -

A relationship is the interactions and  bond between two or more things, people, animals or places. A relationship is a bond between two people. (or more if its family or a bunch of friends your referring to in a conversation) Relationships types are many and varied; the most common relationship between them is knowing the other person or people involved in the relationship. Although this is not always true, a relationship can be with someone you've never met, such as many on the social networking sites  and anonymous relationships like the blood we donate, contributions to food drives, the money we donate to our...

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diseases, infections, sexually, STI/STD Facts, transmitted -

Sexually transmitted infections (STI), also referred to as sexually transmitted diseases (STD) and venereal diseases (VD), are illnesses that have a significant probability of transmission between humans by means of human sexual behavior, including vaginal intercourse, oral sex, and anal sex. While in the past, these illnesses have mostly been referred to as STDs or VD, in recent years the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs) has been preferred, as it has a broader range of meaning; a person may be infected, and may potentially infect others, without having a disease. Some STIs can also be transmitted via the use of...

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