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diagnosis, hiv, testing -

HIV is most commonly diagnosed by testing your blood or saliva for the presence of antibodies to the virus. Unfortunately, these types of HIV tests aren't accurate immediately after infection because it takes time for your body to develop these antibodies — usually up to 12 weeks. In rare cases, it can take up to six months for an HIV antibody test to become positive. A newer type of test checks for HIV antigen, a protein produced by the virus immediately after infection. This test can confirm a diagnosis within days of infection. An earlier diagnosis may prompt people to...

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awareness, day, gay, hiv, lgbtq, memn -

In 2008 the National Association of People with AIDS launched this observance day to recognize the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on gay men. CDC’s communication tools and resources support efforts to prevent HIV and to live well with HIV. The CDC’s Let’s Stop HIV Together campaign materials includes posters, graphics, videos and more. RN ABOUT THE EPIDEMIC Visit the Basics section to learn about HIV prevention, testing and living with HIV. Find out about HIV among gay and bisexual men and about HIV Among African American Gay and Bisexual Men.

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get, hiv, how, howto, symptoms, tell, tested -

The only way to know for sure if you have HIV is to get tested. You can’t rely on symptoms to tell whether you have HIV. Knowing your HIV status gives you powerful information so you can take steps to keep yourself and your partner(s) healthy: If you test positive, you can take medicine to treat HIV. By taking HIV medicine daily as prescribed, you can make the amount of HIV in your blood (your viral load) very low—so low that a test can’t detect it (called an undetectable viral load). Getting and keeping an undetectable viral load is the...

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10, aids, awareness, day, girls, hiv, march, national, women -

     National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is observed on March 10 to raise awareness about how women can protect themselves and their partners from HIV.  National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a time each year when organizations and communities across the country come together to help women and girls take action to protect themselves and their partners from HIV – through prevention, testing, and treatment. The observance is sponsored by the Office on Women’s Health of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. HIV Among Women and Girls HIV remains a significant health issue for...

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drug, for, hiv, infection, prep, prevent, prophylaxis, truvada -

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) to Prevent HIV Infection: Questions and Answers In July 2012 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first use of an antiretroviral drug to prevent HIV infection. Truvada, a combination of two HIV medications, can now be used by persons who are HIV-negative to protect them from possible infection. The following questions and answers are meant to educate consumers on PrEP and whether it is right for them. What is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)? A prophylactic is a drug you take to prevent disease. When you take a drug to prevent HIV infection, it is called...

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