spring RSS
Keeping safe during Spring Break
It is Spring Break time again....all this month. The time of year where most college students get to relax, forget about school and have fun, and college students are getting ready to go on vacation to the hottest locations and they are also having their hormones fired up. Needless telling them to abstain, they are going to do it anyway..... This is the perfect opportunity to reach thousands of students to participate in Safer Sex. When things get up close and personal, the rule is always "better safe than sorry." If you're new to sex, or getting back into the...
- All
- 1
- 10
- 100
- 2
- 27
- a
- adolesents
- adrien
- aging
- america
- among
- anal
- Androgynous
- april
- April sexual awareness month
- avoid
- Avoid Sexual Predator
- awareness
- b
- behavior
- billy
- break
- breast
- breast cancer
- brush
- cancer
- candy
- cane
- cbd
- chancroid
- children
- china
- chlamydia
- christmas
- clap
- clitoral
- clitoral stimulation
- cock rings
- cockrings
- condom
- condoms
- Condoms_Flavored
- consent
- crabs
- dam
- dangers of porn
- day
- DAY.
- delay
- dental
- diagnosis
- diseases
- disinterest in sex
- drug
- dynamo
- ED
- ED rings
- education
- egg
- elbow
- elegant
- erectile
- erectile dysfunction
- faith
- fall
- fathers
- Features
- female
- Feminity
- fest
- flavored
- for
- from
- gaia
- gay
- gel
- gender
- Gender Identity
- genital
- get
- gift
- gifts
- girls
- gonorrhea
- grease
- green
- group
- hallowee
- happy
- healing
- health
- helping
- hepatitis
- herpes
- how
- howto
- hpv
- human trafficking
- in
- infection
- influene
- intimacy
- is
- jamaican
- june
- kissing
- lastic
- lelo
- levels
- lgbt
- lgbt+
- lgbtq
- lgbtsafe
- lice
- lime
- lingerie
- liv
- loki
- long
- low
- Lubricants_Flavored
- make
- male
- man
- march
- marh
- Masculine and Feminine
- Masculinity
- massage
- masturbators
- memn
- Men
- mental
- minority mental health
- mom
- moments
- month
- mother
- national
- ngu
- nu
- of
- oral sex
- oral sex protection
- parents
- penis pump
- penis pumps
- penis vacuum
- petite
- play
- pleasure condoms
- porn
- porn addiction
- pregnancy
- premature ejaculation
- prep
- prevent
- prolong
- pronouns
- prophylaxis
- prostate
- protect trans rights
- protecting
- pubic
- relationship
- Relationships
- report human trafficking
- ribbed condom
- risks
- roles
- Romantic Orientation
- safe
- safer sex
- sale
- sensuelle
- september
- seually
- sex
- sex education
- sexual
- sexual awareness month
- Sexual Identity
- Sexual Predator
- simplex
- spray
- spring
- stay
- std
- stone
- strep
- stud
- survivivors
- symptoms
- syphilis
- teen
- Teen Sex
- teen sexual health
- teenagers
- teens
- teens sex
- tell
- term
- tested
- testing
- testosterone
- the
- this
- to
- toys
- trans
- trans rights
- trans rights are human rights
- transgender
- transmitted
- truvada
- type
- types
- ulta
- use
- using
- valentine's
- vibrator
- virus
- voilence
- warts
- water based lubricants
- wave
- what
- woman
- women
- wont be erased
- young
- your