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Frequent Questions
Shipping & Delivery
To protect customer privacy, orders shipped to addresses in the United States arrive in an ordinary shipping package, with a return address from "C-USA" and no indication of what is inside, so that not even the parcel service will know that the package is from Condom-USA.
Packages to US states or territories are shipped via United States Postal service (USPS) Packages typically arrive within 2-3 day priority and United Parcel Service (UPS). Packages typically arrive within 3-5 business days via UPS Ground.
Please note that UPS uses only business days in the calculation i.e. an order placed Friday before 1 PM Eastern time and sent 2nd Day Air will arrive on Tuesday. Also note that a signature is required for UPS deliveries although often drivers will leave packages without a signature if they believe the location is secure enough. Finally, UPS requires a street address and in particular cannot deliver to PO Boxes.
Packages are shipped from Miami, Florida in the USA. We ship every day Monday through Friday except for major national holidays. Orders received by 1 PM Eastern time are shipped the same day.
All packages have a return address from "C-USA" Orders shipped within the United States have no indication on the outside of the package as to the nature of the contents. International packages are typically shipped with a customs declaration of contents as "Personal Health Care Products" but please note that orders which are valuable, heavy or sent to APO or FPO addresses require a more detailed declaration of the contents.
We reserve the right to ship packages insured, registered or return receipt required.
Confidentiality Policy
When shopping at our online store, protection of your privacy is our number one priority. To ensure our customer privacy, we are committed to protect your privacy. The information we collect is used to process your orders.
We don't sell our customer information. We don't send out junk mails to our customers.
All your personal information is confidential. All products are shipped in discreet packages. The word condom will not appear on your packages and your credit cared statements.
Secure Transaction Policy
All credit card transactions are encrypted and submit to a highly secure SSL server. Our employees are unable to view our customer credit card numbers. Credit card transactions are directly handled by a financial institution, which receives the credit card numbers and other personal identifying information only to verify the credit card numbers and process transactions.
Returns & Replacements
Every situation is different, and we do our best to make sure that customers are satisfied. Here are the most common scenarios:
Damage in transit.Let us knowas soon as possibleif an order arrives and has apparently been damaged in transit. Keep all packaging and shipping materials until the matter is resolved, as we may wish to pursue an insurance claim.
Defective items.If an item appears to be defective, either upon receipt or after a short period of use, let us know. Typically we will ask for the defective item to be returned to us, and we will ship out a brand new replacement. As a general rule, we do not exchange defective items which were purchased more than 30 days ago.
Item does not meet customer needs.Unfortunately, due to the intensely personal nature of our merchandise, and obvious health, safety and legal concerns, we are unable to accept returns of this type. All products we ship are factory fresh and typically come directly from the manufacturer to us and out to our customers. We recommend purchasing small quantities when trying out a new condom or lube for the first time, or possibly purchasing a sampler of products instead as this is a great way to try a range of products. For other types of product, please carefully review all dimensions and images before making a selection.
Contact Us
For assistance with any issue, please click on the form above or send an email to, and one of our associates will be happy to help you. Please include the order number with the message. Please do not send any items back to us until we specifically ask.