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5, improve, relationship, to, ways, your -

Falling in love is non-stop excitement, romance, and quite honestly fun. Being able to improve your relationship instantly or as quickly as possible, however... now that is where it gets tricky, complicated, and stressful. There is so much that comes into play when you try to meld your own life with someone else's, from feelings to wants to needs and even past heartaches. It's impossible to get everything right when it comes to love, but just because it involves a lot of work and maintenance doesn't mean it can't be both thrilling and rewarding. I've spent the last year in...

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a, make, pescial, relationship, to, ways, woman, Women, women -

1. Regularly express to her that you need and value her. 2. Do things that make you laugh together. 3. Compliment her for her special qualities and be specific. 4. Put your arms around her when she needs comfort. 5. Speak respectfully, don’t demean her or hurt her feelings. 6. Give her time to be with her friends. 7. Take regular walks hand-in-hand. 8. Be enthusiastic over things that she’s excited about. 9. Do something you think she wants done before she asks. 10. Discuss changes with her first before you make them. 11. Show interest in the relationship and...

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