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awareness, day, gay, hiv, men -

September 27 In 2008 the National Association of People with AIDS launched this observance day to recognize the disproportionate impact of the epidemic on gay men. The 2019 theme is “The conversation about HIV is changing.” National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NGMHAAD) is observed each year on September 27 to direct attention to the continuing and disproportionate impact of HIV and AIDS on gay and bisexual men in the United States. Browse our resources to learn more and find out how to get involved in observing NGMHAAD. NGMHAAD Feature HIV and Gay and Bisexual Men HIV and African...

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condoms, gay, men -

Condoms are an essential part of HIV prevention and an important part of gay sex for men. The age of PrEP, barebacking and chemsex have complicated things, however, condoms are still an incredibly important tool to keep you and your sexual partners safe from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). We always support and suggest safer sex, and using condoms is a large part of this. If you’re interested in finding out more about PrEP, you can read our guide here. PrEP may be an effective treatment against HIV, but there are a ton of other infections out there, so condoms are still...

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