So yeah, no one told us this would happen .... mood swings, dryness, loss of libido, weight gain, loss of muscle, hot flashes, sleeping issues. Need I go on? Every day I find out more and more how important hormones are to us and what they mean to our balance and health, physically, mentally and emotionally.
I also believe men go thru menopause too, but that is another story. This one has to do with us, those born female and how we can take back our lives in a natural way. Full disclosure these are the remedies I am taking and moderating. I believe this is a journey that we each need to take. You will have to find what works best for you. I have gathered the data here and I am including what has worked for me so far. I am 58 years old and in pretty good shape. I exercise at least 3 days a week if not more and I eat pretty healthy. I eat 2-3 meals a day, although I am trying to eat 3-4 small meals a day because I have heard this works better to help lose weight and reduce bloating. Also, I have noticed a decrease in muscle mass, so I will begin weightlifting as well. Keep you posted.
Wild Yam Root, the roots of this plant contain a potent steroidal compound known as Diosgenin.
For centuries, our ancestors used this herb in the treatment of different hormonal-related issues – from menopause to osteoporosis. Wild yam has been known to increase or stabilize estrogen levels in the body. Wild yam also contains a chemical called dioscoretine which has been shown to regulate blood sugar levels. There is a wide variety of benefits of wild yams, including the ability to relieve symptoms of PMS, prevent osteoporosis, increase energy and sexual desire in both men and women, and treat gallbladder problems, among many others.
While wild yam root is generally considered safe to consume, it’s important to note that it may interact with certain medications, particularly hormone replacement therapy and birth control pills.
Berberine Extract - Berberine helps the body use glucose better and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. It does this by activating a pathway called AMPK, which helps move glucose from the bloodstream into cells for energy. May also be effective as a weight loss supplement.
Black Cohosh is probably the one we hear about the most and that has actually been studied, see 2017 study here. Black cohosh may be effective because it functions as a phytoestrogen, a plant-based compound that mimics the action of the hormone estrogen.
However, there’s some debate as to whether black cohosh can be classified as a true phytoestrogen. Most health authorities and studies suggest that if black cohosh is used, it should only be taken for a maximum of one year.Black Cohosh has been known to help with better quality sleep, hot flashes, and digestion. Research has linked the estrogen-like compounds in black cohosh to milder menopausal symptoms, studies have linked the use of black cohosh to a reduction in hot flashes and night sweats for menopausal women, as well as lowered levels of stress and tension throughout the day. 2018 study
Adjust your diet and lifestyle choices. Eat foods rich in calcium and vitamin D Hormonal changes during menopause can cause bones to weaken, increasing the risk of osteoporosis. sure to include you K vitamin with your D vitamin.
Reduce refined sugar and processed foods as well as gluten, alcohol and dare I say caffeine. I have taken to the mushroom coffee; it also contains caffeine but hey the mushrooms are good for you too. The caffeine and alcohol have been said to contribute to hot flashes so there is that, completely up to you.
A diet high in refined carbs and sugar can cause sharp rises and dips in blood sugar, making you feel tired and irritable. This may worsen the physical and mental symptoms of menopause.
In fact, one study found that diets high in refined carbs may increase the risk of depression in postmenopausal women.
Diets high in processed foods may also affect bone health, especially if these foods are replacing the nutrients you need from a daily balanced diet.
Studies have shown that stabilizing blood glucose levels will help diminish hot flashes. A woman can take certain steps to stabilize her glucose levels, such as the following:
Do not skip any meals or wait too long between meals.
Consume more cinnamon, especially Ceylon cinnamon, which can lower blood glucose levels between 3 - 5%, making it an attractive option for pre-diabetics.
Eat more fiber from legumes, fruits, whole grains, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.
So smaller meals, weight resistant exercise, meditation, lots of water, D, K, and Vitamin B supplements, Cinnamon, Wild Yam, Black Cohosh, and Berberine.
Meditation is important because of the emotional impact menopause can have on a woman. There are women who even have thoughts of suicide while going thru menopause. It is a time of change, and a lot of the changes feel like you are at the end of your life but that is not the case. The emotional impact that we are feeling is related to hormonal changes. Taking a mindful break and reminding ourselves that this is what is going on within the mind body can be a great way to start your day or end your day. You are not alone, and you are not going crazy it is just your hormones changing and you can help yourself. I like to incorporate stretching and or yoga into my meditation as well, but everybody is different when it comes to meditating but be sure to stretch and do low and high aerobic activity interchangeably.
Learn to actively relax
Wherever you are, sitting or standing, get comfortable and take a few deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. If you’re sitting, close your eyes.Inhale to the count of four and say to yourself ‘I am’. As you exhale, to the count of eight, say to yourself ‘At peace’.
Repeat this cycle of inhalations and exhalations four times.
Worth mentioning is a few products we sell and stand behind to help in the bedroom. These products are designed to make sexual intimacy more enjoyable and to help with vaginal dryness and other symptoms associated with menopause. See products here.