Welcome to Sex in Check!!!
You have checked in on Condom-Usa for sex education on Condoms ,how to use them to protect yourself including where you can get them and how to use them safely.
Sex Education and counseling sessions on how to protect yourself from HIV and Sexually Transmitted Infections.
HIV is avoidable whether you sleep with men and/or women ,there are certain things you need to know and how to and where to get a free HIV TEST and continue living a happy life.
Feel free to stay and be educated also on lifestyles of teens, men/women, relationships, and the role they play in our lives, gender roles and take advantage of our products which at some point either enhances or increase your sexual self confidence so you can satisfy yourself and your partner.
Get information and be updated with our adult toys ,either for you and a partner or gratification ,we help make sex life a complete different scenario.
Always be the first to know when we receive new products and promotions.
As the phrase quote "a time to work and a time to play' , we make your play a one of a kind with tickets and getaways to Lelo parties ( one of the famous designer brand for pleasure objects) and book signing Cocktail parties hosted at our store ,and enjoy famous concerts such as Nine miles music festival,and Bayside Rocks/Miami Reggae Festival and Ultra Festival.
Giveaways packages to rejuvenate your body and mind, to spas such as The Marriott Hotel and more, or you can just stay on the site and play educational games to stimulate your brain nerve endings.
Features and Product News
You will be updated on all our products,events and just about everything you need to know.
Thanks Lupita more swings are here http://www.condom-usa.com/index.php/fetish-fantasy-series-fantasy-door-swing-1.html
Hey Mme.
Sorry we took so long ,Blog was under construction, just posted some great info on Tantric Sex…check it out!!
I don’t know about Tantric Sex, but I’m hooked on the Sex Swing! Easy! Effortless! Perfect angles; everything upfront! and all I have to do is enjoy the ride!!! My man likes the “in control” feeling it gives him and all I have to do is have FUN!
Anybody out there into Tantric Sex? I am presently acquiring information on the topic & starting to practice.
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