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egg, nu, petite, sensuelle -

Having used kegel exercisers in the past and finding them more of a training exercise than a pleasure trip, my partner and I decided to find something a little bit more pleasurable, and started to look for vibrating eggs instead. There are so so many to choose from that we ended up giving up and instead visiting a store to see what they had on display. It’s so much easier in person to decide whether or not something is strong enough for this power queen! Lelo have some nice vibrating eggs but they can easily tip £140, and although my...

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break, condoms, Features, fest, sex, spring, teen, Teen Sex, ulta -

It is Spring Break  time again....all this month. The time of year where most college students get to relax, forget about school and have fun, and college students are getting ready to go on vacation to the hottest locations and they are also having their hormones fired up. Needless telling them to abstain, they are going to do it anyway..... This is the perfect opportunity to reach thousands of students to participate in Safer Sex. When things get up close and personal, the rule is always "better safe than sorry." If you're new to sex, or getting back into the...

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  Men age 40 and younger who are enlisted in the U.S. military are three times more likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED) than civilian men of similar age, but few military men report receiving treatment, according to a new study. The study, one of the first assessments of sexual-functioning problems among male military personnel, included 367 enlisted men, ages 21 to 40. Participants completed an online sexual-functioning survey during an eight-week period in October and November in 2013. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of sexual function problems in male military personnel, examine its effects on their...

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valentine's -

POSTED BY ONE CONDOMS ON JANUARY 29, 2021 Does COVID-19 have you feeling unsexy for Valentine’s Day 2021? Worried that all of the precautions and guidelines will dampen any sparks and douse any romance this year? Have no fear, ONE® Condoms has some sexy ideas whether you’re celebrating solo or with someone special! 1) Treat Yourself, Your Partner or Both Pleasure is our favorite P-word, and sometimes we all just deserve a little buzz or jazz in our life. Whether you’re a sexy single or in a relationship, there’s a sex toy out there for everyone. Not sure where to start?   2) Keep...

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dangers of porn, disinterest in sex, erectile dysfunction, intimacy, porn, porn addiction, premature ejaculation -

Well we have come a long way in the sex industry but somethings, such as porn, still have a lot of changes required to make them "healthy." I think a lot of people are getting the wrong idea when it comes to porn. For many porn is a big Turn Off as opposed to a Turn On. Arousal or Erectile dysfunction becomes an issue, this I have heard many times from customers. For whatever reason men find it difficult to keep an erection when addicted to porn. Trouble forming intimacy is another common complaint when it comes to the dangers...

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