How does CBD-infused beauty work? For starters, you'll need to understand that CBD is short for cannabidiol. It's one of the many compounds found in the cannabis plant, but it won't get you high like THC would. Instead, CBD is used for medicinal purposes, as it helps relieve pain and inflammation. Because CBD is so trendy right now, you've probably seen a number of them lining store shelves—you'll find everything from night creams, serums, and face masks to body lotions, oils, and bath salts. Depending on how your stress is manifesting itself, any one of these products could be exactly what you need to unwind.
To help you navigate this new section of the beauty world, we rounded up our favorite CBD-infused products for de-stressing. Next time your skin flares up or when you don't have time to book a massage, these products will give you the relief you need to continue planning your big day.
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