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CBD is currently being used to treat many ailments, the most popular....sleep, pain, anxiety, stress, energy, focus, mood, and immunity. We will be focusing on sexual health and one's sex drive. Everyone is unique, so you need to play around and see what's right for you. When your stressed, anxious, sick or just tired, your libido suffers. Many say sexual energy is also tied to our creative energy, after all sex does create life. Getting adequate sleep, keeping stress levels down, exercising and getting outdoors are all definitely good for helping your libido. CBD can also give you that little...

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cbd, health, sex, sexual -

Can CBD Improve Your Sexual Health? by Ayana Deuriex February 14, 2019 CBD is gaining momentum in the health and wellness arena. Now you can add sexual health to that list. Maybe you suffer from sex-related anxiety or stress. CBD can help you feel more relaxed, which will heighten the enjoyment of the experience with your partner. It may help you feel less self-conscious and less fixated on details that can distract you from the moment. New developments are made every day with CBD.  For example, some companies are adding CBD to sexual aids, such as (read more…)lube, due to its natural anti-inflammatory properties....

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