LHS is Proud to Release:
10mg per Gummy
Benefits May Include:
*Pain Relief
*Anxiety Relief
*Healthy Lifestyle
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*Relaxing Calm
Mayo Clinic suggests CBD dosages on scientific research, publications, traditional use, or expert opinion. Cannabinoid dosages and duration of treatment depend largely on the disease.
To increase appetite in cancer patients: 2.5 milligrams of CBD by mouth for six weeks
To treat chronic pain: 2.5-20 mg CBD by mouth for an average of 25 days
To treat epilepsy: 200-300 mg of CBD by mouth daily for up to 4.5 months
To treat movement problems associated with Huntington’s disease: 10 mg of CBD by mouth daily for six weeks
To treat sleep disorders: 40-160 mg CBD by mouth.
To treat multiple sclerosis symptoms: 2.5-120 milligrams of CBD by mouth daily for 2-15 weeks.
To treat schizophrenia: 40-1,280 mg CBD by mouth daily for up to four weeks
To treat glaucoma: a single CBD dose of 20-40 mg under the tongue. Doses greater than 40 mg may actually increase eye pressure.
According to CannLabs, the nation’s top full-service testing lab for cannabis products, there is no established lethal CBD dose. Consumers should read product inserts carefully to ensure they are taking the right amount of CBD, and talk to the prescribing physician about any questions or concerns.
A typical maintenance dose of CBD is about 4mg. So, you get A LOT of doses with one treat!
LEGAL in ALL 50 States
What Are Cannabinoids?
Scientists have identified close to 500 phytochemicals in Hemp plants. Many of them, hundreds in fact, are Terpenoids. These are the compounds that give fruits, flowers and herbs many of their desirable aromas, flavours and other special properties. A special sub-class of Terpenoids are the Cannabinoids. There are over 60 of them found in Hemp/Cannabis which is the only place they are found. This is one of the many reasons Hemp stands alone in the plant kingdom, it literally is a treasure chest of nutrition without equal.
The Cannabinoids each have their own individual properties which is creating plenty of excitement in the scientific community. Besides the Terpenoids and Cannabinoids there are many other vitamins, minerals, phytosterols, pigments, proteins, enzymes, essential sugars, polyphenol antioxidants, flavonoids and essential fatty acids. The oil appears black but it is really a blend of intense colors. It is important to know that while isolated Cannabinoids have their own characteristic properties, the different compounds have synergistic effects when the whole symphony of phytonutrients are consumed together. Synergy means that the combined effect is greater than the sum of the individual parts. Another way of thinking of this is 1+1. You know 1+1 = 2. When Hemp phytonutrients are consumed together, as they naturally occur in the plant, then it is as if 1+1 now equals 3, or 4 or more!
The unique health properties of Hemp have been known to modern scientists for over 50 years, so(us)naturally, attempts were made to produce synthetic versions of isolated Cannabinoid molecules in an attempt to create pharmaceutical drugs. Unsurprisingly, as with all synthetic chemicals, the desired properties are often reduced signifciantly while undesirable side-effects can abound as is confirmed in the United States Government Patent #6,630,507 “Cannabinoids as Antioxidants & Neuroprotectants.” If health and happiness, not side-effects are what you seek, best stick to real plants – the original design was already perfect to begin with.
The Endocannabinoid System
Every major civilization in history has recorded Hemp as #1 on its list of important plants. The ancient Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all revered it as an incomparable source of food and medicine. In addition to the long list of properties that Hemp’s Cannabinoids posess, modern science has discovered what may be the most exciting one. We are hard-wired with a system of Cannabinoid receptors throughout our brain and body. When these receptors are activated they permit 2-way communication between body systems, something that the science books had previously taught was impossible. This system is called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS) which literally means “the Cannabinoid system inside the body”. By regularly supplying our ECS with the nutrients it was designed for, vital communications can be restored between the control centers of the body and every other system.
Due to the persecution of Hemp and Cannabis in the last 80 years, most humans living today have gone their entire lives without feeding their bodies these raw materials. You might imagine it like a large orchestra being made to play blind-folded. They can’t see the conductor and they can’t read the music. Sometimes they get it right but most of the time it’s a mess. Bringing the body back into harmony could be as simple as replacing this lost nutrition.
There is one place in the body where there are no Cannabinoid receptors – the brain stem. The brain stem is the control centre for the heart and breathing. What this means is that it is not possible for Cannabinoids to overwhelm those systems and cause them to shut down. This is why, in 4000 years no one has ever died from consuming Hemp.