So here it is, the Menopause Cliff Notes...
1. You must control blood sugar levels - Berberine, Turmeric, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Ceylon Cinnamon. These are just a few of the traditional herbs' women have used throughout the years. Please do your research and know that there are herbal remedies that do not mix well with prescription drugs.
2. You must Get a good night's rest. This sounds easy I know but we know it isn't so easy. I have found with the right amount of exercise, not eating past 7pm, no caffeine after 11am, and magnesium before bed I usually sleep better. Also try not to drink too much water before bed and get most of your water in the morning and afternoon, this cuts back on getting up to pee at night. This also helps control your cortisol levels, more about this below.
3.You absolutely must increase your estrogen, or should I say balance your hormones. There are natural remedies that have been used for years, you will need to test to see which ones work best for you. Eat foods that contain high levels of phytoestrogens, such as soy products, flaxseeds, and legumes. Take herbal supplements that contain phytoestrogens. Natural remedies, such as, Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, and Wild Yam.
4. Absolute must is exercise - Stretch, do Yoga, Life Weights, Walk, Cross Train, Move your BODY. Whatever you want to do when it comes to exercise is good. Just make sure you add it to your weekly or daily routine as it will help you feel better and sleep better.
5. Adjust your diet. - Let go of sugar, gluten, any and all kinds of processed foods, this includes processed anything, processed meat etc. And if possible... Alcohol and caffeine (the last one does not apply to everyone, in my opinion.) I guess you could say the same about alcohol, there have been studies that show women in their later years do well with a glass or two of wine. You will have to make your own decision for you, based on your body type. For me I do ok with caffeine but not so good with alcohol. I only have one cup in the morning, and it is mixed with mushrooms, lol. I also use honey and 2% lactose free milk or filtered milk. But your gut health is directly related to your mental health. And we all know menopause plays games with our minds. This can be a good thing, maybe we are coming to a place where we are setting our own rules, and this can make us question ourselves more during this time of great challenge.
6. This one can be a little tricky, I think when we were younger, we didn't have to worry about this as much but now our bodies are saying NO you cannot do this anymore. You must balance your cortisol. You want to try to increase your activity without increasing your stress. So, you want to chill out and not push yourself too much because this raises your cortisol levels, and this contributes to the big belly. And I just found out cellulite can increase with menopause as well. So, you want to keep your cortisol levels balanced.
7. It's all about balance, balanced diet, balanced hormones, balanced work out or amount of exercise vs doing nothing. And most importantly you have to make time to be alone and meditate. But you also need something that keeps you excited whether that be your job, your profession, your hobby, your friends, your family and partner or all of the above. You need me time and you also need connection time. It's a day-to-day journey. Be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself and know that you are not alone. There are millions of other women going thru this journey with you. Feeling the way you feel, doubting themselves, depressed at times, up, down, you get the picture. Be kind to yourself, stop the self-doubt, be a friend to yourself. Speak to yourself the way you would a friend. Love yourself. Pamper yourself, slow down and relax.
Here is a helpful link to our products that are very effective at helping women with symptoms associated with menopause, like vaginal dryness and other changes that may occur.