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18, 2013, aging, day, Features, hiv, national, september, Sex Events -

The AIDS Institute launched this day in 2008 and is the lead. The 2013 theme for NHAAAD is Aging is a part of life: HIV doesn’t have to be. AGING: THE NEW CHALLENGE At the start of the epidemic, people who were diagnosed with HIV/AIDS could expect to live only 1-2 years after that diagnosis. This meant that the issues of aging were not a major focus for people with HIV disease. But new medications and treatments have changed that. Life expectancy for people with HIV disease has increased dramatically—which means that they now have to face the challenges of...

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condom, day.june.27th, Features, hiv, national, STI/STD Facts, testing, usa -

National HIV Testing Day (NHTD) was first observed on June 27, 1995. This day was established as an annual observance to promote HIV testing. This is a particularly important time for YOU to get involved! Take the Test, Take Control. Should you take the HIV test? For many people, HIV testing is important because they want to know their HIV status (whether they are infected or not infected with HIV). If they find out that they have HIV they can take steps to remain healthy. To make the decision to be tested, you need a clear understanding of what the...

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