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depression, difficulty sleeping, hot flashes, loss of muscle, low libido, mood swings, natural remedies, painful sex, vaginal dryness, weight gain -

  So yeah, no one told us this would happen .... mood swings, dryness, loss of libido, weight gain, loss of muscle, hot flashes, sleeping issues. Need I go on? Every day I find out more and more how important hormones are to us and what they mean to our balance and health, physically, mentally and emotionally. I also believe men go thru menopause too, but that is another story. This one has to do with us, those born female and how we can take back our lives in a natural way. Full disclosure these are the remedies I am...

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how to increase a mans libido, how to increase testosterone, increase testosterone, increase your libido, increase your testosterone, low libido, low testosterone, ways to increase libido, ways to increase testosterone -

  1.  EXERCISE - Hit the gym, lift some weights or the dance floor. Feeling good about yourself not only boosts your ego a little but you are healthier on the inside as well and this will give you energy and stamina. Take your time do not rush into running 10 miles a day. Take your time and feel what your body needs. Maybe join a gym and get some personal instruction. Or start yoga and Chi Gong. Aerobic exercise may be your best bet but be sure to start where your body is equipped too, maybe 15 minutes every other...

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